

Texas: The TCEQ is now requesting driving directions for all your reporting facilities that do not have a street address. While this will not be required for the 2020 annual, it will become a requirement sometime next year. We ask that you begin gathering this data so that Shannon & Renee can update your facilities. For a new core data forms that you create, please be sure to submit with driving directions in the physical location field. If you should receive an email from the TCEQ in the coming weeks concerning a deficiency notice, please forward to Shannon and/or Renee. We are working directly with Hoyt Henry (Texas SERC Commissioner) on these deficiencies.

North Dakota: The North Dakota Department of Emergency Services is overhauling it’s Tier II filing website.  These changes will take beginning with the 2020 annual filing.  The North Dakota Department of Homeland Security has handpicked our very own Renee Davis to beta test the new site.

Texas: The TCEQ will be voting later this year on Tier II filing fee increases for the 2020 annual filing.  We will provide an update with the outcome of the vote once available.